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Prof. Dr. Boyan Alexiev

Center of Applied Linguistics - Lecturer (deceased)

Prof. Dr. Boyan Alexiev
Office Room R503
Phone 9635245/420
E-mail boj_fld@uacg.bg
Birth Place and Date Sofia 20.08.1949
Marital Status married
Year Started 2000


English for Academic Purposes (first- and second-year students of UACEG)
English for Research Purposes (PhD students)


MA in English Philology (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia)

Language Skills

English - high proficiency level
Russian - intermediate level
French - elementary level

Professional Skills

- teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
- translating LSP texts (en-bg-en)
- specialized lexicography

Science Interests

- terminology
- ESP teaching
- technical translation
- terminography

Science Activity

- publications in Bulgarian and foreign specialized journals
- PhD thesis
- Habilitation work

- Monograph


- Bulgarian Translators' Union
- ISKO/International Society for Knowledge Organization
- CEACS/Central European Association for Canadian Studies

- International Institute for Terminology Research (IITF)

Participation in International Projects

- (2003) Проект на тема Внедряване на европейския опит в терминологично-базираното мултимедийно ЧЕО в рамките на Програма за усъвършенстване на висшето образование в България, финансирана чрез дългосрочен заем от Световната банка (координатор)

- (2009) Knowledge organization for multilingual terminography. Fulbright Senior International Scholar project developed at Long Island University (US)

- (2011) Договор № БН-124/11 за научни изследвания на тема: Разработване на функционално-терминологичен подход при специализираното чуждоезиково обучение (ръководител на научен колектив)

Academic Positions

Doctor of Philology

Other Posts and Activities

terminology, technical translation, ESP teaching, terminography


(1985) English for Students of Mining and Geology (Textbook). Ministry of Public Education, Sofia
(1998) English-Bulgarian Dictionary of Mining and Geology. Ratio-90, Sofia (co-author)
(2004) "Towards an experientialist model of terminological metaphorisation". Terminology. Vol.10 (2). 189-213.
(2005) Contrastive aspects of terminological metaphor, PhD Thesis
(2005) "Функционална уместност на преводните еквиваленти на метафорични термини", сп. Български език, кн.1, 20-33
(2005) "Tertium comparationis for contrasting metaphorical terms with their equivalents", сп. Съпоставително езикознание, кн.3, 102-109.
(2006) "A lexico-conceptual approach to multilingual terminology structuring", сп. Съпоставително езикознание, кн. 3, 43-50.
(2006) "Terminology Structuring for Learner's Glossaries". Knowledge Organization, Vol.33/2, 96-118

(2007). “Canadian-Bulgarian terminology research efforts: common threads”. In; Yankova, D. (ed.). Canada: a view from without/Canada: un regard d’ailleurs, 127-138.

(2007). “A Canadian terminology structuring approach applied in multilingual terminography”. In: Novaković, et al (eds.) Images of Canada: Interiors and Exteriors. Faculty of Philosophy of Niŝ, Yugoslav Association for Canadian Studies,177-185.

(2008). „Канадската терминологична школа – приоритетни теми и подходи”. Език и литература. № 1-2,31-36.

(2010) "Terminology as organized knowledge". In: Gnoli, C, & Mazzocchi, F. (eds.) Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization, Proceedings of the 11th International ISKO conference, ERGON VERLAG, 363-370.

(2011) „Социолингвистични проблеми на терминологията”. Материали от 10-та юбилейна международна конференция Езикът и социалният опит. София, 10-11.04.2010, Международно социолингвистично дружество, София, 2011, 240-245.

(2011) English in Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Kamea Design Publ. House, Sofia (Editor and co-author).

(2011) Knowledge-Oriented Terminography (monograph), AVANGARD Publishing Co. Sofia.